
news/2024/9/22 16:43:59 标签: 英语, 学习, 笔记, 专升本


  • 征文形式
  • 书信形式
  • 范文


  1. 话题形式

    • 围绕一个确认的话题给出观点;
    • 在几个观点中,选择一个进行支持性描述;
    • 没有限制,自拟观点。


  2. 写作结构
    1、说清楚是什么、选什么:what is it; what’s your choice
    2、解释清楚为什么、有什么好处:reasons; benefits


    例-选什么:E-book or Paper book
    ①Recently there has been a widely discussed issue on 主题改写.
    ②It is believed by some that 观点(A)
    ③while others claim that 观点(B).
    ④This essay will argue that 观点(你的).
    ⑤The reasons are as follows. 承接原因
    ①Recently there has been a widely discussed issue on whether e-books is better than paper book.
    ②It is believed by some people that e-book is better than paper book as it is more convenient, while others claim that paper book is more preferable as it is more convenient to be marked on and good for people’s eyes.
    ③This essay will argue that paper book is more preferable.
    ④The reasons are as follows.

    例-是什么:playing sports; my favorite job; my hobby
    ①Everyone has his or her own favorite … Some like …, while others fancy … 扩写背景
    ②If you ask me what my favorite … is, my answer would be … 点
    ③It is to be noted that … is one of the world’s most popular … And it has a lot of benefits.
    ④This essay will illustrate these benefits as follows. 引出原因
    ①Everyone has his or her own favorite sport. Some like playing football, while others fancy running.
    ②If you ask me what my favorite sport is, my answer would be football.
    ③It is to be noted that football is one of the world’s most popular sport. And it has a lot of benefits.
    ④This essay will illustrate these benefits as follows.


    ① Firstly, … 第一;首先 / To begin with,… 首先
    ② Secondly, … 第二;/ Moreover, … 而且,此外 / Additionally, … 除此之外;/ Further, …进一步的
    ③ Thirdly, … 第三 / Last but not least, … 最后但并不是最不重要的 / Finally, … 最后

    范例:My hobby: learning English
    ① To begin with, a lot of valuable books are written in English. So in order to study them, one must learn to read in English.
    ② Furthermore, English is the official language for a variety of international events. Thus, English is of great importance for students to catch up with the current events.
    ③Additionally, students need to prepare themselves for job interviews that are carried out in English, if they prefer to work in an international corporations.


    In conclusion, *** 总的来说
    To sum up, *** 总之
    In summary, *** 总之
    To summarize, *** 总之
    Thus, *** 因此
    Therefore, *** 所以;因此
    Hence, *** 因此;今后

    模板:In conclusion, It is just hard to imagine what my life would belike without ….
    →In conclusion, It is just hard to imagine what my life would belike without sports.
    →In conclusion, It is just hard to imagine what my life would belike without paper books.

    范文:My hobby: learning English
    ①To sum up, English plays a crucial role in our life with regards to the acquirement of knowledge, catching up with the current events, and preparing themselves for the future.
    ②It is just hard to imagine what my life would be like without English.

    …is indispensable in our daily life. 日常生活中不可或缺
    …is of great importance ····很重要
    …is of great significance ······很有意义
    …is crucial ·····是至关重要的
    …plays a crucial part in ····
    …plays an important role in ···

    … has a positive impact on…积极影响
    … has a negative impact on…消极影响
    … does good to… 确实对···很好
    … does harm to… 确实是对····的伤害


    The reason why *** is that — ; 为什么会 *** 的原因是—
    The reason why I deem(认为) *** is of great importance is that…
    The reason why I fancy sports so much is that I often feel deeply relaxed after the training.
    This is likely due to the fact that — ;这可能是归因于这个事实 —
    This is likely due to the fact that sports is a great way to relieve pressure.
    One of the benefits for *** is that — ;***其中的一个好处是 —
    One of the benefits for learning English is that you get to know the world better by reading books in English.


    It should be noted that… 可以注意到
    It can be argued that… 可以这么去争论
    It can be suggested that… 可以这么去提议
    For instance, … 比如
    An example for that would be… 一个例子是
    One thing to be pointed out is that… 有一个点要被指出


称呼:Dear XXX:
问候:I am happy to hear that XXXX……
写信的目的、原因:I am writing to tell you that XXXXX……
结尾:I am looking forward to see you when XXXX……
落款:Your Sincerely/Sincerely Yours/Yours, XXX.

How are you?
I hope you have had a great vacation.
I hope this email/letter finds you well.
Warm greetings from the distant lands of China.

I am writing this email to …
The purpose of this email is about …

I am looking forward to your reply.
I am looking forward to meeting you.


  It is exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see typically beautiful scenery of the region. Besides, you can meet and make friends with people of different colors and races. Finally, you can get to know the customs and living habits of the local people.
  Today people are so fond of travelling that tourism has become one of the fastest growing industries in most countries. The main reason why people travel is, perhaps for pleasure. For instance, having worked hard throughout the weekdays, people will find a weekend trip to the nearby mountains or beaches a real relaxation. For another example, spending an annual holiday travelling abroad is an especially satisfying experience for those who do not have much of an opportunity to be away from their homelands. When people return from their travel, they will generally feel fresh and energetic, ready to work harder. Travelling is also one of the best means for learning. You may have read or heard about something but you can never get an accurate picture of it until you see it for yourself. Seeing is believing.
  参观不同的地方是一件非常令人兴奋的事情。当你旅行的时候,你会欣赏到不同地区具有代表性的美丽景观。除此之外,你还可以和不同肤色(of different colors)、不同种族(race)的人交朋友。最后,你还可以知道当地人(local people)的风俗(custom)和生活习惯(living habit)。
  现在人们是如此的喜欢旅行以至于旅游业(tourism)在大多数国家已经成为增长最快的产业(industry)之一。人们旅游的主要原因(the main reason why),可能是为了快乐。比如说(for instance),已经在工作日工作的很辛苦了,人们会去附近的(nearby)山或者海滩(beach)进行周末旅行(weekend trip)以获得真实的放松。再举一个例子(for another example),花费一个年假(annual holiday)的时间出国旅游 是一种特别令人满足的体验对于那些没有太多机会能够离开祖国的人。当人们从旅途中返回,他们一般会感觉新生(fresh 也有新鲜的意思,这里指一个新的开始)和精力充沛,准备好(ready to do)努力工作。旅行对于学习来说也是一种最有意义的方法。你可能已经读过或者听说过一些东西,但是知道你能够亲眼看到它之前你都不能获得一个关于它精确的印象(accurate picture,picture:照片,图片,这里指你脑子里图片,就是关于某种事物的印象)。眼见为实。(Seeing is believing)

  Everyone has his or her own favorite restaurant. If you ask me what my favorite restaurant is, my answer would be, the Smiling Dragon . This essay will illustrate the reasons why I like it so much as follows.
  Firstly, it has to do with the fact that I wanted to introduce my foreign English teacher to some Chinese dishes. I always enjoy a visit the Smiling Dragon for a number of reasons. Firstly, the food is of a good quality and well prepared. For example, they prepare only fresh fish, which they purchase at the fish market in Dalian. Secondly, the waiting staff is always friendly, polite, and helpful. Additionally, they tend to any need you may have efficiently. Therefore, I never feel embarrassed to invite my family, friends, or foreigners to join me there for a meal. In conclusion, It is just hard to imagine what my life would be like without Smiling Dragon restaurant.

  My father was always a good role model for me as I was growing up. He’s hardworking, patient and understanding. He also got a good sense of humor and seems to get on well with everybody.
  Hopefully I have inherited some of these traits.I admire my father because I think he brought me and my brothers up well; he was quite strict but always fair, and he has always been someone I can turn to for advice. I think my father set a good example by working hard and having a positive outlook on life. I remember that he used to leave for work early and come home quite late, but he always made time for me and my brothers.

  Everyone has his or her own favorite festival. Some like Spring Festival, while others fancy mid-autumn day. If you ask me what my favorite festival is, my answer would be Spring Festival. It is to be noted that Spring Festival is one of China’s most popular Festival. This festival is on the first day of the Chinese New Year.
  There are several reasons as for why I like the Spring Festival. First of all, family members that have not seen each other for some time will get together at this time. people will go through a lot of trouble and expenses to be with their families at this time. Secondly, it is a very joyous time of the year, with best wishes being sent all around. For instance, there are firework displays, dinner parties, and dumplings at midnight. Thus, that is why I like the Chinese New Year Festival.

  Everyone has his or her own favorite gift. Some like clothing, while others fancy toys. If you ask me what my favorite gift is, my answer would be the Apple laptop that I got from my father. When I first saw it, I was taken by its stream-lined and trendy design. I love it so much that I always take it with me wherever I go.
  It really made my life much more easier. Firstly I could video chat with my friends from a long distance. Additionally, I could send my assignments and questions to my teacher or search on internet by using my computer so that I could get a quick guide . I also find it much faster to take down class notes by typing than writing on a notebook. Therefore, I still have to say that it has brought me a lot of convenience in life. I want to thank my father for all the things he has given me. They all remind me of his love and that I must work hard to live up to his expectations.

假设你的美国朋友 Mike 要去你的家乡旅游,请给他写一封电子邮件,告诉他:
请以 Like 署名

Dear Mike,(称呼)
  I hope this email finds you well.(问候)
  I am writing this email to tell you that I are very glad you are coming to
Chongqing in November.(表明目的)
  When you arrive, I’ll pick you up at the airport. It’s cold in Chongqing so please pack your down jacket. You can stay at my home.We have a spare room and there is no need for you to book a hotel.
  Chongqing is famous for its beautiful river view.I‘ll show you around a few city squares here.One thing you cannot miss is the local food –Hot Pot ,spicy but really nice.I think you’ll like it and have a good time here.
  I are looking forward to your arrival. (结尾)
               Your Sincerely,(落款)




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